

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


When my gastroparesis started to take a really bad turn, I didnt notice it at first, but my hair was thinning and even turning white. It was the strangest thing ever. The doctors finally said I was loosing my hair due to malnutrition. I was devestated! My hair was awesome! IT was how long i wanted, shiny, the perfect color and just so many fun things you could do with it. Its very hard as a woman to accept this change and deal with the emotional and the mental challenges that this brings. You dont really even feel like a girl let alone a cute one. Another weird thing that happened with my hair was it stopped growing everywhere. I didnt have to shave my legs for like 6 months! I have acquired quite the selection of hats, beanies scarves and bandanas. Well since August my hair has been doing really good. Ive had several haircuts to keep it in a style wqhile it grows out! And its gonna be long long before I stop growing it out! In a way its kinda been fun to play with all the funky hairstyles and colors, but I have to admit I totally hate short hair! Too much work and I think I look funny! Anyways I am putting up pictures from the beginning of August how short it was and a current ( well its a week old) picture of hair progress. xxx

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