

Monday, February 11, 2013

My struggle for life

Back in 2004,while I was living in Salt Lake City, UT, I started feeling sick one day and figured it was just the stomach flu or something I ate. So I just took it easy for a couple days but the problem kept getting worse and more painful.While I was up visiting my parents in Rexburg, I ended up having to go in the the ER to have an ultrasound done because my gall bladder seemed suspicious. But, nothing. I went to my doctor, when I got home, and she told me if you get any worse, go to the ER. So I am at home with some friends and before I know it I am doubled over in so much pain. We went to the ER and they started doing so many tests and pumping me full of drugs which I had never experienced before. I was scared silly. Finally after hours of waiting the Dr informs me that they were going to admit me and that I would need to have a scope done the next day by a specialist.I had pancreatitis. My pancreas was making stones and my blood levels were so high that my liver was infected and was shedding billy rueben thru urine. So I was freaked out and I called my mom and dad and without a seconds hesitation they were heading down to Salt Lake. This was the start of a whole new life. They did the scope and removed several stones from my pancreas and placed a shunt, larger opening, for my pancreas to get rid of junk. I was in the hospital 5 days before I went home. Once I finally got home everything had changed, my habits, what I can or cant eat, all the meds I have to be on and worrying if the problem will happen again. So we began the struggle of being admitted to hospital and then being released a few days later only to be put back in the hospital several days later. This went on and on for months when my mom made the decision that I needed to move back to Idaho so I can be around family and have everyones help when needed and yes it was a good thing. The in and out of the hospital continued for another 6 months or so to where I got to the point and wanted them to remove m6y pancreas so I wouldnt have to deal with it anymore. I was at a bbq with friends and there was a gentleman there who was having surgery in Salt Lake soon and he told me about his amazing surgeon, so being curious and looking for any help I could get made an appointment to go down and see him. When we got to the surgeons office we thought he might say he needed to place a larger, more permanent shunt, but oh were we wrong. He started talking to me and asking me all these questions and he finally said that I needed a procedure known as the "Frey" procedure. He was going to make an 18 inch incision down my stomach and remove my gall bladder and then he was going to cut part of my small intestine out and cut the top half of my pancreas off and cover the whole with healthy small intestine. He aslo told me and my mom that my condition was life threatening and he couldnt say that I would hold out that long. SWo we scheduled it for the next week. Well the surgery was a nightmare, I had so many tubes and monitors coming off me and I hurt so bad I couldnt move. We kept pushing for me to walk a little further and work on my breathing. Finall y 14 days later I was a ta good healing spot and was able to go home. The recovery was rough and painful but it was worth it because i was alive. So the next year was actually pretty uneventful. no hospital visits, nothing. Then... 2007 came around. I started getting really sick in the end of 2007. We coiuldnt figure out what it was and why I was always throwing up. we ran the hospital course again for like 6 months before they diagnosed me having Gastroparesis ( paralyzed stomach) and chronic pancreatitis. So I was basically throwing up anything and everything that went into my stomach. It got really extreme and we decided to go pay my surgeon a visit to see what are options were. The next thing I know I was being scheduled for another surgery. Just as bad as the first. The surgery was to remove 80% of my stomach and reroute things so I would be able to digest them. So far it seemed like the surgery was working until getting sick came back on and in full force. They started me on a motility drug which told your stomach muscle to move but my condition was going down hill fast. After movin gback to Rexburg so my mom was close, w were hitting the ER alot. One night in particular I had been throwing up for 19 days straight and I was just exhausted. The dr comes in and says your condition is too serious we need to transport to a different hospital. That scared the crap outta me. I did and still do alot of crying with these diseases, anyways. So we make it to Pocatello and they put a pic line in my arm and just drugged the crap outta me. The next day a new surgeon came and told me that they were going to place a J-tube, feeding tube ( insert thru stomach ibnto small intestine)but needed to wait because I was so malnourished they had to balance me out a little. The m orning finally came and it was time to go to surgery. When I got out I looked down and there was this tube sticking out of my stomach I just wanted to cry. So far Id been able to hide things they were just scars, but now, you cant hide that!!! They started me on feedings and I was there for 7 days before they let me go home. When I was finally home all I could do for nourishment was through the feeding tube. I couldnt drink or eat ANYTHING!! So about 3 months of that went by and one day I said whats the worse that could happen, I throw up no biggie. So I tried peanut butter and it stayed down, lets just say I ate so much peanut butter after I found out. So for thwe next 3 years it was still the in and out of hospital stuff all the time. Not knowing what to do or getting the right answers. To help with my chronic pain I was seeing a specialist and they dcecided to place a pain pump in my back attached to my spine, but before that happened, they had to get me better. I was going to hospital some times a couple times a day. I had lost all color to my skin and my hair was turning write, then all my hair fell out and I got down to about 117, for a 5'9 me, that was tiny. A baggy size 0. My blood levels were so far gone and everything else because my body was basically being starved.My arms, legs, face everything on me was bloated, odd I know, but I guess thats what happens, I couldnt even barely wear flip flops, I was having a nurse come into my house on a daily basis to treat me with meds and IV fluid. One day we ended up back at the ER and my dr finally made the call that they would keep me in the hospital for 3 days and then transport me to a rehabilitation center. I walked into the center place and wanted to scream. I couldnt believe things had gotten that bad. They did 24 hour no stop feedings on my and so so soooo many different medication. I had to gain weight and everything was just a nightmare. Every one around me were like saying goodbye like I was going to die and it freaked me out, but I honestly know now that everyone who was around me at the time, thought I was dying as well. So it was a pretty intense time. I wasnt just fighting to get out of that place, I was fighting so I would be able to live and watch my nieces and nephews grow up, be around my family and just truly live life. After about 3 weeks at being there my dr said it was time for me to go home. I still had to do 12 hour feedings a day at home plus eating, physical therapy and so on. After a couple weeks I started feeling so much better. I wasnt in pain I wasnt throwing up I finally felt like I was progressing. Time just kept passing and no hospital for me and I was slowly getting everything back.I could go out and do things with my friends and I could actually be an active participant of my life. I still get sick once in a while, but now they just know how to approach it better. Everyone who saw me go through it couldnt even believe I was the same girl. In December 2012 one of the most difficult part of all this was my feeding tube and it was removed. I wanted to cry, wait, I did lol. I have gained all the weight that I needed to gain and then some, Blah, but everyone says better to have a few extra pounds then be sick and dying again, VERY TRUE!!!!! So now Io am just doing maintenance and follow ups every 6 months with my doctors. I still have struggles with it but for now it is under control. There are some people that I need to say thank you to. My mom, makes me cry just thinking about it. She made sure she was always right by my side, no matter how far or bad timing it was. Always supporting me, taking care of me and going above and beyond things that I have never seen in my life. She is my rock, my best friend and I love her and hope she knows how much she means to me. My dad is amazing. He always would think of questions to ask that we wouldnt and just being there and having him by my side and supporting me, was everything. My sister Amy and my brother Royce showed me so much kindness, support and love. Sharsti for being by my side and talking me thru the medical crisis I was dealing with. Always knowing if I turned to you, you would be there. Carrie, I love you, from all the texts and emails back and forth and the gifts you would send to the hospital were always a smile on ym face kinda thing. I wont ever forget how you showed up to see me and visit me every chance you guys all got! I am truly blessed to have friends like you. So alot of people ask me what causes this or how did I get sick, I honestly have no clue and either do the dr's. And there was nothing really specific as to why I made such a dramatic turn around. I have a feeling deep inside my soul that the constant prayers of so many people and the blessings and my own little plea to help me finally kicked in. I strongly believe that my heavenly father loves me and does answer prayers. And yes I do believe in miracles because I am a walking one myself. 9 years later and here we sit today...... I can not wait for the next 9 and then some, only good things from here on out! Thank you all for your prayers and support, I could never repay you. It humbles me..... I love you all!!!!

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